All online items are used items unless they have "NEW" written next to the item. Please keep this in mind when shopping from our online thrift shop. You have seven generous business days to pick up your order from when you receive your email stating it is ready, starting that day. If you are unable to pick up your items, we will refund your items with a 35% restock/ reprocessing fee. No exceptions. Thank you very much and Happy Shopping!
Our mission is to provide compassionate, comprehensive, and supportive end-of-life care to patients and their loved ones in their homes or in our residence.
Click here to make a donation to Hospice of the Fisher Home in Amherst. Thank you for your support!
Store and Donation Hours:
Store Hours:
Monday 10am-4pm
Tuesday 10am-4pm
Wednesday 10am-4pm
Thursday 10am-4pm
Friday 10am-4pm
Saturday 10am-4pm
Donation Hours:
Monday 10am-4pm
Wednesday 10am-4pm
Friday 10am-4pm
Saturday 10am-4pm
Please only donate items in great and working condition.
We have a six bag (standard kitchen size trash bag) or 6 box(equivalent to bag) max donation per customer. Two large lawn bags counts as your max.
The Hospice Shop of the Fisher Home
6 University Drive(Newmarket Center)
Amherst, MA
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